Native American and Alaska Native Women LeadStrong Facilitator

Ginna (she/they) is a Lingít, Two-Spirit mama and ancestor-in-training with over two decades of expertise in nonprofit operations, organizational development, and justice organizing. With the guidance of movement mentors, elders, ancestors and transcestors in her heart, she brings an ethic of care and grace to the sometimes unyielding walls of nonprofit and philanthropic regulations.

Originally from Aak’w Kwáan (colonially known as Juneau, AK), Ginna currently lives on the unceded territories of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan/Chochenyo Ohlone, in Oakland, CA with her family and two ornery, elderly cats. Her non-work time is currently overwhelmed by her grade-school daughter’s social calendar but when she does have down time she prefers to spend it with her partner while pretending she’s on Jeopardy from the coziness of her couch.